Here is a picture of the raft I was in. I took this off of Aunt Melanie's facebook page. Thanks Melanie. : )
Then we headed into town the next day and did a little looking around. Not sure if this was taken by Seth or Jakob.
Here's Seth in the restaurant. He was just not feeling the exploring that day.
We also did a little exploring around the resort. Here is a hill that looks like an elephant outline. Can you see it?
We also did a little exploring around the resort. Here is a hill that looks like an elephant outline. Can you see it?
We stopped at a lake and took some pictures.
Cheryl and Rosemary
Me and Jamie
Cory and Kathy
Cody and Myranda
Lewis and Clark : )
A waterfall that we found next to the road.
Jamie took Seth down the hill to get a closer look.
Here I am kissing the man in the mountain. Can you see the profile on the side of the hill?
One of the days we headed up to Estes State Park.
This is the Stanley Hotel. It was the inspiration for Stephen King to write the Shining.
Out of all the wonderful scenery we could look at the boys decided to stare at a chipmunk. He is in between them and down a little bit.
So if you remember in past pictures with Jamie and the boys. They are always smiling and looking at the camera. This is what I get when I'm in the picture.