This year one of Jamie's aunts made a couple signs and had them on her dog.
This side said: Celebrating our loved ones Who are Survivors - Darin Fox Samantha Shaw
And this side said: Remembering Our loved ones Who we have lost - Kenneth Fox, Gordy Hanson, Jim Shaw
The first bag I came to was from Corrina. It was very hard for me to look at.
It reads: If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. James W. Shaw And next to the ultrasound it says This year you became "Grandpa" to your 6th grandson.
Here are some more of the bags we found for Jim.
Here are some more of the bags we found for Jim.
This is Jakob's bag and it is him and Jim playing mini golf.
This is Seth's bag and it is him and Jim playing checkers.
After I took a picture of Corrina's bag for her dad I went to the other side to see what she wrote on there.
After I took a picture of Corrina's bag for her dad I went to the other side to see what she wrote on there.
This is what I found. She made the other side for me. I was not ready for that and had to turn away from it for a second. The boys made bags for me, but I wasn't thinking anyone else would. Her bag read: We aquire the srength we have overcome ~Ralph Waldo Emerson To honor an amazing woman and sister-in-law Samantha Shaw.
This is Jakob's bag and it is me and him swimming.
Seth's bag and it is me and him on top of a mountain.
The back of Seth's bag made me laugh. He had just got done writing that he missed grandpa. So on mine he wrote I miss you Sam. Well Jamie made him cross off the miss and Sam and put in Love and mom.
The next day Cody came over to Cheryl's house and hung out with us for awhile. When he was heading out Jake asked if he could have a ride on his motorcyle. Well I of course said go ask your dad and I thought he would say no. But I was wrong. So the next thing I know Cody is putting his helmet on Jake. I was a wreck inside, but I'm glad the first ride was with Cody.