Friday, September 12, 2008


A few weekends ago I decided I needed some salsa in the house. So I went into town and bought a bushel of tomatoes, some green peppers and a few onions. Then went to the store and got the rest of the stuff.

My mother-in-law told me about a new way two of Jamie's aunts fix the tomatoes. I hate to boil them to get the skin off. So she told me to add my grinder atachment to my new kitchen aide mixer and just grind it all up. After you core them of course.

Here is the lovely grinder in action. Doesn't that look good??!!

Now it would have been nice of the aunts to warn me that sometimes the tomotoe explodes out of the grinder. This normally happens when you push down on the tomatoes and there is an air pocket in there. Here is my poor floor after one of these episodes.

Luckily I had to wash my floor. Thanks guys.

MMMMmmmm doesn't that look good.

I ended up with two batches of salsa and one batch of speghitti sauce. Not to sure how it tastes yet. I don't think Jamie is very fond of the technique since it isn't chunky. Oh well. The poor guy will have to deal with it.

Now when you are canning isn't the best sound in the world that sudden pop of the can sealing it's self. Oh it's the best sound ever. The only time you don't want to hear it is two days later.

I had all my cans lined up in the pantry and I started to hear the same popping noise. So I went to check the jars and 9 of them have come unsealed. I have them in the frig now and I'm hoping they are still ok to eat. Well let's make that 10. I just went to check on them and another one is popped!!

So sad.... Maybe next year I will have better luck.

1 comment:

Corrina said...

Love the entry! What a great way to start my Saturday! Wish I could've been a fly on the wall!!!! lol!