Saturday, November 15, 2008

Senior Pictures

When I was home a few weekends ago I did some senior pictures for my nephew. I had the help of my assistant Brenda, who helped me get some better lighting in the basement and ideas out at the park. I called her my assistant cause she was holding a big lamp over my shoulder to get better lighting on Kam, helped tape stuff to the wall, helped but stuff on a ladder with me, and also carried my camera bag around outside.

So we took some pictures down in the basement of Cory and Kathy to try and get some formal pictures. I wasn't all that happy with them. I just don't have the flash or backgrounds to do stuff like that. Then we went to Mineral Springs and got some really good pictures there. Poor Kathy came with and ended up carrying all of Kam's clothes and shoes around the park. And finally we went down to Brenda's Grandma-in-laws house to get some pictures on the railroad track and a creek in the backyard.

It was so much fun to do the pictures and I hope they find some that they can use for the yearbook and to give out to family and friends. Here are some of them that I want to share with you. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

Hope I didn't overload you with pictures. : )

1 comment:

Corrina said...

Sam, I think you did a fantastic job! I really like the railroad ones and the ones with the water in the background. Keep it up...I'm glad you found a hobby you enjoy! Love ya!