Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Tree and Programs

Wow. Has time really gotten away from me. Let's see I finally got the tree up. Seth has been asking for me to do that ever since Thanksgiving got done. I was able to dig the box with the tree in it out of the storage room and get that set up. But when I tried to get the box with all the lights and decorations I realized it was behind two other boxes and on the floor. So I passed that on to Jamie to get. He was able to get that out a lot easier then me.

Here's Jamie trying to get the lights on before the boys take over.

It's always fun to watch them take ornaments out and talk about when they made them.

Jamie helped out with the other ornaments that are not the boys. He tried to even the tree out a little bit too.

And of course finally my angel from Germany. I love that thing so much.

This is Jakob's new ornament for the year. I got it cause he is always playing some sort of game.

And I got this one for Seth cause this summer he was always drawing something on the driveway in chalk.
Here is the tree all done and decorated. And no it's not leaning, that was me taking a bad picture.

Then it was on to Christmas Programs for school. I didn't put to many pictures of that in here. They are always in the gym and the lights are off so the pictures turn out really bad.

This is Jake and his friend Tommy. Tommy also goes to the same church we do so they have gotten to be pretty close. Jakob has also had Tommy over night and they are trying to figure out when they can do it again.
Jamie went down to get a picture of Jamie and finally made him laugh.

Here are all of the second graders in Hayward.

Then it was Seth's turn. The principal introduced them as the class of 2022. It was so strange to hear that. Which means Jakob will be the class of 2020. Here's to hoping it stays that way.
He was harder to get pictures of . All the parents rushed up to take pictures.

Then when I finally got close enough the kid beside Seth was waving to his mom and Seth got ticked off. He actually told the kid to knock it off cause his mom was trying to take a picture of him and his hand was in his face.

They did great just like every other year. I'm very proud of them.
As for me, after this Thursday I will be half way done with my chemo treatments. So happy about that. I'm going to talk to the doctor about getting a different medication to help with the nausea. The stuff I have now knocks me out for about 4 hours but my stomach still hurts when I wake up. Plus I really don't like the idea of not knowing what is going on and being knocked out like that. Thanks for all the prayers and support.

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