Here we go inside. Make sure you hold on to your buddy's hand. : ) I was only in charge of Seth and his two friends Dean and Matthew. Which made things a whole lot easier.
First up was the bears.
A cougar
And a Zedonk, which is half Zebra and half Donkey. I also took a picture of the sign because I figured people wouldn't believe me.
There you go.
You can also feed the goats.
Then we got out more quarters and loaded up on corn. We turned around to go find more animals and this deer came out of no where and started to eat Dean's corn. I was scared at first, but then I saw a couple more running around and realized they were suppose to be loose.
Peacocks. If you have watched the movie Up and remember what the Snipe sounded like you will know what the peacock sounds like. It started to call and Seth looked at me and asked if it was a Snipe. Then started to tell other people in the park that there was a Snipe in a cage. I laughed every time he said it and then would correct him.
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