Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cody, Kyle and Relay for Life

It's been a week or two now, but two of my nephews came up for a visit. The first day here Cody and Kyle tried a little fishing from the dock.

At one point Jake was luring the fish in and Kyle was trying to net them. That didn't work very well.

Cody tried his luck off of Josh's boat.

Then it was time to swim. Taylor and Spike swimming after tennis balls.

Kyle tried a little kayaking.
Have you ever seen a dog get up on a floating raft? Here's how it's done.

Jump up as far as you can.

Hook one paw around the ladder and pull.

Then finish with the back feet.
On Friday it was the Relay for Life here in Hayward. And for some reason I agreed to tell my story during the opening ceremonies. Before it even started a huge rain storm came through and we all had to go to the high school lunch room. So that's where I ended up giving my speech.
From what I have been told people really liked it and there wasn't a dry eye. I wouldn't know, cause I didn't left my head to often. For fear that I would cry myself or lose my spot.

Once the rain was done we headed out to the track and did the first lap of the night. Which is the Survivor lap. They asked me to hold the banner and to also have Jakob and Seth walk with me.
The second lap was the caregiver lap. I was very happy to be able to have my mom and Jamie walk with me during that lap. I hope it meant as much to them as it did to me.
Then of course on Saturday we headed out to the lake and did a little tubing.

Cody was up first.

Not sure what is going on here.

Then it was Kyle.

And of course per Seth's request we stopped at one of the islands so they could all swim.

Jamie noticed Cody's sunglasses and tried them on. So I of course made him put his captains hat on with them.

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