Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We headed out for our short Memorial Weekend on Sunday and Jamie wanted to try a back way to I35. As we were coming around a corner he noticed a Bald Eagle on the side of the road. Once we got next to it we noticed it was eating a dead deer. So I made Jamie stop so I could get the camera out of the trunk. Go back around and drive by it again. And this is what I got.

Once we got to Mankato we needed to clean out the back of the car. You should have seen how gross it was back there. The boys had food every where. So we started to take everything out and vacuum the back seats out. Cody was also there and he showed me how to take the whole back seat out of the car. That was even worse. Yuck. But we got it cleaned up and decided to take the boys to a park to burn off some energy.

Cheryl wanted to take them to Sibley Park. This is where Jim and her would take the boys when they would watch them for us. Both of the boys remembered the park and remembered Jim and Cheryl taking them. If you are ever in Mankato with young kids and need to let them run around I recommend this park. It has a lot of nice stuff for them to do.

First we went around and looked at all the animals.

They had goats to pet and feed.

Chickens with here eggs.


This one keeps showing his back side while the female was eating.

Then he finally turned around for us.

They played in the park down there for awhile. Then we decided to head up the hill and look around there. We found another park and let the boys run around there for awhile also.

Then Monday we headed over to Pemberton for the Memorial Service. We also laid flowers at Jamie's dad and grandfather's graves.

The VFW comes out each year and does a little service for all the veterans buried there.

After that we all headed to Grandma Shaw's for a bite to eat and visit will everyone. Then we headed back WI.

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