Thursday, October 15, 2009


This past Tuesday the assistant principal Mrs. Lee asked me to go to the volleyball game with her. The girls were going to be supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. They were also taking donations to go towards cancer research.

So I went and took a couple pictures of the girls before the game. Mrs. Lee also introduced me to them and let them know that I was battle breast cancer. So I jumped in and got my picture with them also.

Me with the girls. I have my Fight Like a Girl shirt on that I got from my Aunt Brenda.

After the girls were announced they got ready to run through the sign they made.

Here they go.

It didn't go so well. The guy on the right let go and the girls right around it.
I haven't been to a volleyball game since high school, so I was really excited to go. And the girls didn't disappoint. They won 3 games and the other team won 1. It was awesome.
I also have to share the bowl my brother and sister-in-law got me. I love it.

Update: Still trying to figure out chemo. I was told that I could be apart of a case study if I want to. The case study would be between two different chemo drugs. They want to see how each drug works and what the side effects are. So now I need to decide if I want to do this or just go back to my normal doctor.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Soccer and Family

This past weekend Jakob had his first soccer tournament. I was very glad my mom, brother and sister were up also to watch him play. Jakob's team ended up playing 4 matches and taking 2nd place. He was pretty excited.

Jakob's team

Jake getting his metal.

Josh got another good sized Walleye this past weekend too. I believe it was around 25 inches.

He also shot some chipmunks. : )

Last Monday I had my breast surgery and my mom stayed the week with me to help out with the house and the boys. I don't know what I would have done with out her. Don't get me wrong Jamie is a huge help, but it takes two people to get those boys movin' in the morning.
My brother AJ and sister Bev also came up for the weekend to make sure I was doing ok. And my sister asked about bow hunting and asked if she could try it out. So Jamie took AJ and Bev out to do a little target practicing.

AJ getting the bow ready.

Now it's Bev's turn.
AJ helped her get the trigger thing on. And yes that is the technical term for it. : )

Jamie helped her pull it back and showed her how to aim.


Fire!!!! She did good.
I have been asked by a couple people if I could do some updating on me here on this blog. So here you go.
Like I said Monday we had the surgery to take the left breast off and check my lymph nodes. The doctor ended up taking 15 nodes and only 1 came back with a tiny bit of cancer in it. And it was close to the breast so that is good news. The rest were clear. The tumor ended up measuring 2.5 cm and with the lymph node my stage went to a 2b. Which means I will need chemo of some kind. We will find out my treatments on the 9th.
On the 7th I will be heading up to the Duluth clinic to do genetic testing. Sounds like they want to find out of I have the breast cancer gene and figure out why this happened if they can.
Other then that we are back to the waiting game. I'm doing my exercises everyday to get my arm back to normal. It's pretty sore and hard to lift things yet. (No mom I'm not over doing it).
Thank you everyone for the cards, thoughts and prayers. They mean a lot to me and my family. When I find out more I will let you all know. Love, Sam