Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Relay for Life

We went to the Relay for Life this past Friday in Mankato. Every year we decorate bags in memory of Jim. Then we walk around the park and try to find our bags.

This is Jamie's bag. He sketched his golf bag. Sorry for the bad pictures. I did some with no flash to show the candle burning inside and some with flash.

He added a name card and towel to the one side. It says Jim Shaw on the card.

This is Jakob, Corrina, and Seth's bags. They happen to be all together. You can't see very well what the two boys did on there bags. But Jakob's bag is fishing and hunting, they are the two things he wishes he could do with Jim. Seth's was a variety of animals that he thought Jim would like.

This is the back side of the bags.

Then Saturday we just hang out at Cheryl's house. We each did a little shopping at the stores in town since all we have is Wal-Mart.

Jake wasn't feeling to good. He started out with a headache and now has a sore throat and cough. I took him in Monday and they have him on medicine, but I'm not sure if it's helping him yet. Poor guy.

And Seth watching the SpongeBob marathon with his stuffed dog.

He also got out his Thomas train set and played with that during commercials.

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