Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Programs

Tis the season of holiday programs and we started ours on Wednesday night with Jakob. His program was with the 1st and 2nd graders only. I have to apologize for the pictures. The kids all have crazy red eyes. This is due to us being all the way in the back of the gym. So again sorry for the crazy eyes.

The first picture is of Jake trying to find us in the crowd of parents taking pictures.

Still looking......
There he found me. I had to get up close to the stage and wait for all the parents to leave before he found me. You would think he would be use to me with a camera in front of my face and find me right away.
The kids were doing actions with there songs.

Now if you know my son, you know the poor kid gets injured with just about anything he does. The boy next to him was snapping his fingers as one of the actions and got Jake right in the eye. Luckily the teachers were all standing behind the kids and saw Jakob. He took him down, checked him out, and Jakob got back up to sing.
Next was Seth. His program was the J-K and the Kindergarten class.

He found dad right away.

Then me.
All the parents got to go up front again and take pictures. At first he was fine with all of it, then......
He decided he didn't want to be there anymore. And started to do the pouty face, attitude thing. So I had to ignore him half the time so he would keep doing the songs and not look like a lost dog.

After the program we were all invited to go back to our kid's classrooms. They had cookies and juice waiting for us. Now anyone that has met Seth knows he calls like he sees it and doesn't hold anything back. Well when we got back to the classroom one of the other parents was talking to her child. And Seth proceeded to get the ladies attention. Once she turned to look at Seth he told her that her son was always naughty. I have never wanted the floor to open up and swallow me more in my life. I know I have more of this to come with Seth as my son. The lady really didn't say anything. She sort of ignored him and then left. I told the teacher what Seth did and she said good, maybe now the parents will listen. Oh the joys of having my two boys. Never a dull moment.

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