Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Birthday's and Seth

We headed to Owatonna this weekend to get the rest of our stuff out of the garage. And to also go to Kathy's surprise 40th birthday party. I'll get to Seth later.

Cody and Myranda decorating the living room and kitchen area.

Kathy coming in and seeing everyone.

All dressed up in her 40/Over the Hill gear.

Friends and Family.

The yummy cake.

Jakob and Jamie playing ping pong in the basement. I love the bar signs he has down there.
Sounds like everyone had a good time. Per Kathy everyone left around 3 a.m.
On March 9th we celebrated Jakob's birthday. He turned 8 this year.
Here are some of his presents.
Sonic and the Black Knight for the Wii.
Jolly Ranchers, he likes to pack one in his cold lunch for school.
Blow Pops, just cause he likes them.
A three pack Crash game for the Playstation 2.
New shirt, which he wore the next day to school.
And we got him a new bike. One that is more his size and no training wheels. Lord have mercy when we start to teach him to ride.
Jake decided he want chocolate cupcakes for his birthday cake. Can you really blame the guy???
I still can't believe he is 8.........
Then there is Seth. Lord have Mercy on this one. So the story starts out at Kathy's party. Seth and Jakob were playing with their cousin and they were all wrestling around. From what I understand Seth got pushed off the bed, then Jakob got pushed off the bed. And Jakob landed on Seth's arm. Seth came out into the living room and told us Jakob landed on his arm and he heard a crack. We tried to get him to bend it and move it around to see if he was OK and he wouldn't do it. I asked if he want to go to the doctor and he said yes. So we loaded him up in the truck and Cheryl took Jakob with her.
I handed Jakob his boaster seat for the car and he went to the other car. Jamie asked me why Jakob was in the front seat and I said I had no idea. So he walked over to the car and asked what he was doing. He just put his head down and said dang it. Cory asked if he was suppose to be in front or in back. When Jamie said in back Cory looked back at Jakob and said no wonder your excited to go.
So off to the ER we went since Urgent Care closes at 8:00 and it's now 10 to 8. There was no way we could make it in time. Once we got Seth into the ER the doctor said he was going to give Seth a shot of Morphine to take the edge off the pain. I thought if Seth is faking it he'll fess up when he sees the needle. But he said it hurt really bad still, so the nurse gave him the shot. But when she went to poke him Seth bucked on her so she had to poke him twice. Poor guy.
We waited for a little bit for this to take effect. (Which I don't think it every did.) We rolled Seth into the X-Ray room. The lady started on the right side cause they wanted comparison shots. Then went to the left. The first one wasn't to bad cause he got to keep it bent. When she went to straighten his arm with his palm up he screamed at her. He told her it hurt and to stop touching him. So I knew something was wrong and it wasn't just bruised.
Once the X-Ray came back the doctor said he thought it was broke. But he was only going to put a splint, ace bandage and a sling on him. He wanted us to see and Orthopedic doctor to make sure it wasn't just a growth plate.
Here is Seth with his splint and sling.
So Monday I called and got into a doctor here in Hayward. The doctor got the radiologist report from Owatonna and they said it was broke also. But the doctor still wanted to have the Orthopedic doctor take a look at. That way they would know how to treat him better. And they only come in on Tuesday and Wednesday.
I got the call Tuesday from the doctor in the morning that they wanted to put just a cast on him. The Orthopedic doctor didn't think they needed to do surgery. And the cast should only have to be on for three weeks. Let's hope he is right and we get this taken off.
When we were in the ER I looked at Jamie and said you know we only had two months left to go. For some reason Seth seems to break something every other year. When he was one he broke his hip, three he broke his foot, and now at five he broke his elbow.
Here is Seth with his new black cast lounging at home. He is so my son with the bag of Funyuns next to him.
This is a picture of his X-Ray. The pen is pointing to the break. Not sure but sometimes if you click on the picture it will make it bigger if you want a better look at it.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Boy oh boy what a weekend you guys had. Poor Seth...he just could not keep his arm shut. Just an inside joke.

Give him a hug from us....!!!
Love Chris